Crochet is a yarn craft, whose origin is not really known; it might have initiated in Iran, South America or China, but became popular in Europe during the 19th Century. Since then, there have been many forms of Crochet. For example, there is the C2C ( corner to corner) form, where the crafter crochets from one corner of the project to the other, using multiple colors to recreate a graphed picture. There is also Tunisian Crochet, using a long version of the Crochet Hook; mainly used to create blankets and afghans. To learn more about the history of Crochet, please copy and paste this link to your browser :
The Japanese art of crocheting animal creatures and dolls. It translates to Crocheted Stuffed Dolls.
Interested in Learning how to Crochet? Visit my friend Sarah, she has great tips on how to get started.
Below you will find some of our beautiful creations. Click on the corresponding link to view each category’s gallery.
- Crochet for Fashion
- Crochet for Toys
- Crochet for Home Decor